We expect students to wear our uniform with pride and to be in uniform during the school day and while representing the school at external events.
General rules
A sensible coat – not studded, leather or valuable (school does not carry any insurance for such items).
Coats must not be worn while moving about the building unless pupils have just arrived at school or preparing to leave.
Boots or trainers are NOT part of our school uniform.
All clothing is to be clearly marked with the owner’s name.
Equipment and books are to be carried in a reasonably sized bag.
Extremes of hair styles or colour are not allowed. A no.2 cut is the shortest acceptable.
When hair is tied up plain bands/ ribbons should be used.
The only items of jewellery permitted are one small ring. (not Sovereign)
Plain studs ‐ Girls may, if they wish, wear one metal stud earring per ear in the lower lobe only (for safety reasons, sleepers or other types of earrings are strictly forbidden).
No tongue or facial rings / studs are allowed.
No ‘pearl’ or ‘diamond’ effect earrings, just plain metal studs.
Boys are not permitted to wear earrings.
A wristwatch may be worn.
A cross on a chain if worn inside of clothing.
No make‐up may be worn including coloured nail polish.
Your co‐operation is earnestly requested in seeing that uniform is worn and that the following is adhered to.
Parents are asked for their support in maintaining the school rules which state that jewellery, make‐up, fake tan, trainers, bleached or streaked hair, facial hair or extreme hairstyles (including gelled hair and shaved heads) are not allowed.
Girls School Uniform
Black Blazer embroidered with school badge. Mandatory for year 7 - 10, voluntary for year 11 for September 2016
CHS cardigan or V-neck jersey
School tie
White shirt (with NO motifs)
Black school skirt (worn to the knee) or black school trousers – no fashion trousers, jeans, corduroys or leggings.
Black or white or black tights
Flat black shoes - not black trainers
Boys School Uniform
Black Blazer embroidered with school badge. Mandatory for year 7 - 10, voluntary for year 11 for September 2016
CHS green V-neck jersey
School tie
White shirt (with NO motifs)
Black school trousers – no fashion trousers, jeans or corduroys