St Saviour's Catholic Primary School (Stocked in Ellesmere Port Only)
There are two uniforms for our school - one for Nursery and FS1 (2 and 3yr olds) and one for FS2 through to Y6 (4 to 11yr olds)
Nursery & FS1 items can be purchased from the school office.
FS2 to Y6 • Grey skirt, pinafore or trousers (long or short) • Red polo shirt (with school logo) • Red sweatshirt/cardigan with school logo • Black shoes • Sandals (in Summer) • Red gingham dress or as above (Summer)
* Please do not send children into school with boots or any shoes/sandals with a heel. Trainers are not considered suitable footwear for the school day.
Outdoor clothing with the school logo, e.g. waterproof coats and fleeces, woolly and sun hats are available from school.
PE kit: this should be available in school every day in a drawstring bag.
Black shorts and a white polo shirt with the school logo are available from school.
Rings and earrings are not allowed, except for the small studs for pierced ears. These are worn entirely at the pupil’s own risk. However, for health and safety reasons, studs have to be removed for PE. Children, therefore, are advised not to wear earrings.
Hair should be neat and tidy and long hair should be tied back. Extreme hairstyles are not acceptable. We would appreciate your co-operation in this matter.
Please ensure that all clothing and belongings are clearly labelled with your child’s name. The school cannot accept any responsibility for lost / misplaced belongings